Одежда российских дизайнеров
Russian designers
Designer SASHA

Straight pants from SASHA

The name of the brand SASHÁ was inspired by a French female name.
Why Sashá, why the French-style pronunciation? Because when we think of France, we immediately imagine nonchalant classic-style clothing that fits seamlessly into the urban environment. We can’t help but admire the famous "French chic" that now features new lines and colors.


This is exactly what the concept of the brand is: SASHÁ's designers encourage women to look elegant and tasteful, and their collections present specific solutions how to do that.
SASHÁ's signature items are perfectly tailored suits and basic jackets that can be worn regardless of the season, combined either with items from customer's own wardrobe or with the clothing from previous collections created by the brand.

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Straight pants


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